Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sample extract #1: Zoner's diary

             “Don’t feel sad Haifeng. For all you know, that Wheeler friend of yours may be making things up. I mean, he calls himself your friend but you just read what he said. Is that how a friend treats you?” said the soft voice of a girl through the phone.
            “Yes, I agree. But I feel it is such a waste since we share the same interests and we agree, or rather, used to agree on certain things. Like how it’s not nice to embarrass a guy just because he likes a certain girl”, a young 15-year old boy answered. "At least he didn’t tease me, not like the other "uncivilized" brutes in our class."
            “Haha, you sound so high and mighty. No wonder you two clicked. Well, to a certain extent," she teased.
            “Hey stop it, Jam! That’s not true okay!” he protested.
            “Just kidding, just kidding. I’m sorry. Are you angry with me?” Jam quickly turned from teasing to reconciliatory, though she was acting cute by sounding pouty.
            “No, why should I be angry with you? I know you don’t mean it,” Zoner answered.
            “I know you won’t get angry with me,” she squealed with delight. “You hardly get super tense when you talk to me, although other people seem to upset you more.”
            “No!!!" Zoner protested. "I won’t have any reason to get angry with them unless they said something annoying! Or put me down! Or ridicule me for being clumsy and absent minded. Or accuse me of something and making it sound like I didn’t care less when I didn’t mean it."
            “You hate it when people put you in a situation that exposes your weakness, right? Jam asked. “You’re not alone. You know I get it all the time,” Jam consoled.
            “Yes, that’s why I’m on your side, and defend you when I can. And because of that I get teased for liking you,” Zoner pretended to sound sulky.
            “I think you do like me! After all you don’t get upset with whatever I say to you.”
            “Huh!” Zoner was sounding perplexed over the phone.
            “Just kidding! I know you like Noemi. And Coco! And a lot of other girls!”
            “HEY!” Zoner was getting ready to protest.
            “Juuuuuuust kiiiiding! Agaiiin!” Jam burst into laughter. Poor Zoner. His face was all red.
            “How about that Japanese exchange student? What’s her name again?” she asked.
            “Her name was Yuko…”
            “Your AKB48 Yuko Oshima came to life!” Jam teased. “You must be very happy.”
            “Silly! She just looks like the AKB48. They’re not the same person,” Zoner defended. “If they were she won’t even need to be in school. The Yuko in AKB48 is earning lots of money.”
            “You’ll never know, Zoner. What if they are the same person after all, and the singer you saw at the concert was pretending to be an ordinary Japanese student so that she could meet you?” Jam suggested.
            “That’s silly,” Zoner chuckled.
            “Oh come on! You watch a lot of cartoons! You read comics and wrote fiction in your English essay tests! Where’s your imagination? Oh, and what was the gift that 'Yuko' gave to you?”
            “Oh, it’s just a pen and a notebook. Looks like one of those expensive pens. I don’t dare to use it.”
            “No! Use it! Once it runs out of ink, you can't use it anymore, and it will be a waste of her money and her thoughtfulness. She bought a pen and a notebook for you. What does she want you to do with it? Of course she wants you to use it. Common sense, man! She got it for you even when you were email penpals before you met in Singapore. So sweet of her. Maybe you could use it to pen down your thoughts? Maybe you will feel better?"
            “I think so too. Hey it’s getting late. Talk to you tomorrow,” Zoner said as he looked at the clock in the living room of his home.
            “Sure Haifeng. Good night and sweet dreams! Remember, we are comrades who share the same pain! I’m with you!"
            “Thank you comrade Jiamin!” Jam giggled when she heard him imitate a Russian accent when he pronounced the word ‘comrade’. “And good night!” he said.
            “Good night,” she said sweetly. And she put down the phone.
            It was Zoner’s turn to put down the phone. “Hmm, Jam’s English has improved a lot. She was a lot worse when we started out as classmates in Sec 1," he thought.

            Zoner proceeded to go to bed, then he looked at the pen and the notebook that the Japanese exchange student “Yuko” gave to him. He sat down, opened up the notebook, held the pen in his hand, and started writing. 

The Dreamer's Cross

Fleeting Darkness, when can I ever see the light?
Where the Cherry Blossoms are blooming cheery and bright
I am a living void, where purity and perversity cohabit
Get away from me, Phantom. Stop obscuring my romantic youth.

Zoner Xavier Hugo Wonderwall

From the Dreamer's Journal

Dear Diary,

            I would like to confess that I am convinced that something is indeed wrong with me.

            Much has happened during the past year, and I have turned 15. So have all my classmates, who are of course, now 15. Just like it was in the previous years, I have never failed to stir up chaos in class just because, they way I behave, the way I think, differs from the majority. I have told myself to try and prove myself to be more worthy of approval, in academic performance,  class drama performances, and also popularity among girls. Much as I have tried to, my quirky personality got  in my way, resulting in many a misadventure. Many a time, obsessive twitching of muscles in my arms, legs, and face, has undoubtedly caused me to be viewed as 'weird' by many. This has also done damage to my image, as the natural charm resulted by my natural good looks becomes overshadowed by my peculiar ticks (a classmate suspected it to be tourette’s syndrome). On many occasions, overwhelming emotions have also caused me to say inadequate words that have resulted in me being seen as insensitive and rude, when all I wanted was to be the life of the party. Though regretful that the outcome becomes far from desirable in everyone's eyes, I could not accept it that people viewed me as such, for I still believe it is contrary to what I truly am. Above that, many a time, I have never failed to frustrate many a person, just because many an instruction from that person has never failed to miss the core of my brain though it passed through my ears. The worst was that I have never failed on many an occasion to misinterpret an instruction, and even acted in complete contrary to the instruction passed down to me.
            Many a comment has been passed on me...comments that contradict what I really am, who I think I am, and who I think I should be.

  • Absent minded
  • clumsy
  • lacking of common sense
  • naive
  • lacking in self discipline
  • childish
  • silly
  • friendly
  • unfriendly
  • timid
  • unobservant
  • crybaby

Work Aptitude and Attitude
  • genius
  • slow worker
  • fast learner
  • slow learner
  • inattentive

Social Aptitude
  • insensitive
  • inconsiderate
  • bad tempered
  • lack of personal hygiene
  • dependent
  • needy
  • troublemaker
  • showoff
  • pampered

Impression made on others
  • handsome
  • plain-looking
  • weak in the brain
  • inconsiderate
  • bad tempered
  • lack of personal hygiene
  • dependent
  • needy
  • troublemaker
  • showoff
  • pampered
  • self-centered
  • unatheletic
  • boring
  • lazy
  • hardworking
  • irresponsible
  • unsporty
  • lacking in initiative
  • overflowing with initiative

            And that’s not all. Yes, so many words. Words used by my parents, teachers, peers, and relatives. Oh yes, and not to mention enemies. Some of you must be envious of my charisma: My uncanny ability to attract so many comments: negative ones mostly. Don’t worry, I am not that bad, I receive good comments too. And at this tender age of 15, how can I say that they do not affect me. I’m at the start of my teens, and also with emotional chaos at its peak. A more stereotypical way to call it would be ‘identity-crisis’.
            But it doesn't seem that there's anyone else in class who is going through what I'm going through. Everybody seems so confident, with many things to talk about, and many wonderful things going on in their lives. I don't know why I'm so pathetic, not able to conform to what they expect of me, always receiving discouraging and negative comments, and not being able to blend in to their worlds, and have them share with me the wonderful things going on in their lives.
            I don't know what's wrong with me. I want to cry. I want to die. I want revenge. I want to make things right.
            But how?
            How when my mind is a labyrinth of chaos?
            Could it all have begun at the beginning of my adolescence, when I have first tasted restlessness generated from not getting what my heart desires?
            Before that, my obsessions were in the worlds inside children's cartoons and computer games, and attaining the games and toys I wanted easily quenched my desires. This of course, was always after my exams, since my parents have considered such obsessions as barriers to the key for a good future, namely "G.A.P.", which stood for "Good Academic Performance".

            But came Secondary 2, when I began to experience 'infatuation' that knows no return of affection.
            Her name was "Suzy Chomel" (Sounds like the brand name of a perfume), a cute and lovely asian lass of non Chinese origin, who was born on the same day as I am. Her full name is Noemi Suzunara, a Japanese. She had large 'laughing eyes', and long straight hair that sailed down the back of her head, and curled up like a duck's tail. She was everybody's sunshine, and everyone was full of praise and admiration for her. Just like me, she plays the piano, but better than I do. I flunked Grade 4, while she's already on the way to Grade 6 and 7. She expresses herself well in writing: Needless to say, many of her essays had entered the school magazine, and all who have read her works agree that the articulate-ness of her words reflect very much on the richness of her soul. Reading her every sentence written sentence, and listening to every word she says, was like taking a sip of fragrant French Vintage Wine. Truly, I moan at my imperfections in literary skills and artistic skills, for they cannot match hers: Well, that's based on my emotional intuition.
            I have fallen in love, and in addition to that, fallen in lust. And I am poisoned by the bitterness of jealousy.
            There is another girl who has made me a slave to her seductive physical charms. Yes, charms. Her name is Coco. I'm very sure she's not someone I would dream of having as my wife or even girlfriend, but as an object of sexual desire. I love it when I see her in perky shorts, crossing her long, shapely and fleshy thighs, or sitting down with one leg straight and one sexy leg reclined for her hands to hold on to by the knee, showing the shapely and smooth lower thigh. I would imagine she's trying to seduce me intentionally, like those sex sirens on TV that show off their thighs to attract their partners to bed, giving a desire-burned hard on. Suffice to say, I am proud to have a classmate who I can imagine elevated to such a status. And I would also love to recall that very image, and release my desire at my private time and place, imagining the scene for a perfect consummation of desire. Furthermore, I dream of even sleeping with her, like how it is done on TV. Of course, I don't feel the intense jealousy that I feel when other guys are close to her, because it's not like I am hard up for her attention and love.
It's just that I am attracted to her physically and I can't imagine myself going into a deep relationship with her, for our interests and goals differ a lot. At least that is what I imagine it to be.
            Sometimes emotions aren't things that can be explained in words. You can make up 1001 reasons to explain why you are infatuated with a person in a certain way, and these 1001 reasons will not qualify as perfect excuses as to why others should like this person as you should. Sometimes such emotions are what people consider as, "Inexpressible in words", and they can make a person's judgment biased. But among these 1001 reasons for a person to be liked, most of the time, ninety percent of the reasons justify that the person has likable traits. And some people have 'enough' or 'more than enough' of these likable traits to make them popular.
            In a particular novel called "The Teenage Workbook", a girl, by the name of Sissy Song, who was the school belle in the novel, was interviewed at a school pageant on the qualities her perfect boyfriend must have. She listed them out, and concluded that, in order to be worthy of "The Perfect Boyfriend", she must become, "The Perfect Girlfriend". Well, reality is practical and harsh, and part of me actually adhered to the belief that, to be worthy of an attractive girl, I would have to match in terms of attractiveness and talents.
            Yes, I'm not bad looking, but from the way I look at it, there doesn't seem to be anyone who viewed me like a legend for either my looks or my talents. True, I have certain strengths and talents, but somehow I don’t see them  ('Piano', and 'Creative Writing') recognized and praised by the girls who I am infatuated with. Not even Suzy Chomel.
            Putting aside the woes of youth infatuations, my world is built out of an obsessive interest in selective Superhuman Heroes from various Action Cartoon Series. Very often, a fantasy I had when I was young was, to possess certain supernatural powers and use it to impress peers and relatives, or use it to help them when they are in need, and win over their approval. Very often, I believed that, if I were to have supernatural powers, I would feel less non-confident about myself.
            Just by imagining that I had the ability to levitate myself three or four storeys high…
            Just by imagining that I can run at 780km/hr without feeling exhausted…
            Just by imagining that I can teleport from one place to another at will…
            Just by imagining that I have these abilities, I am able to rejuvenate my soul when it gets overrun by insults, criticisms, and trials of life that come in other forms.
            Now, I just wonder what I am in everybody's eyes, since I have done so much to mess up everyone's image of me since day one of Secondary 3?
            It sounds childish to simply blame in on one person, but I can't say he's entirely at fault. Things were not going my way, and he said those things to me in the name of 'showing me the way', and I believed him since I was in desperate for attention and approval.
            Shawn Ang Chee Hao.
            I will kill you, for putting me through all this.
            Because of you, I had turned into a rascal in everybody's eyes. Before that, I was a goody-two-shoes, and an insignificant dot, which did not put me at the receiving end of the class belles, unlike you rascals who shout, "Damn you, smelly cunt" when I go near them. Really, I don't know what the belles see in you guys that they end up talking to you, instead of me. I am a good guy, who doesn't go round hurting the feelings of others. (But come to think of it more carefully, they have done such a thing only to me. No one else in the class seem to have a grudge against them. Why?)
            You said that, I wasn’t popular, because I was not clever, not charismatic, and did not know how to curry favour. He said that to be popular, I have to get attention by showing off, which gets the people interested. I need to show my power, by booming in a loud voice. I have to learn to be witty, and also tease people to get the attention of others focused on you.
            That's what I tried to do, my way. I firmly believed that, if I followed exactly what you did, I would be replicating you, and I would lose my individuality. So I tried to do what you did, but I did it my way. I’d steal every chance to talk while I can. I can curry favour by supporting the actions of others in my loud voice, so that they would not hate me. I make myself sound intelligent during science lessons by impressing the teacher and my classmates with bombastic expressions. I’d be funny, so that the class would enjoy my presence. That way, I’d get her attention, and that of the rest of the class. But I wouldn’t be like him. I’d get popular using my own ingredients.
And the shows that I watch, they are unique, and different from what everybody else watches. But nobody understands them. They think I’m childish watching such shows. But I’ll show them. With my new image I’d propagate it, so that will all see them in a new light.
            Now many of them they think I'm a jerk. Some shun me when I go near them, or give me a cold shoulder when I try to talk to them. Even those who were initially nice to me started to dislike me.
            Do you know what my wish was when I came into Westside Secondary School (A secondary school is a Singaporean ‘Middle School’)? It was, ‘to make a breakthrough’. I messed up in primary school (A primary school is a Singaporean ‘Elementary School’) so I wanted to start afresh and let everyone see the new me. In other words, I wanted to make a fresh start. Well, I screwed up. I’m really screwing up. It all started with my delusions that I would not be an underdog anymore. And of course, I would not be a loser anymore. I don’t know how to put it, and I don’t know why.
            I’m just weak.
            Weak in the ability to deal with people. All I had to do, and continued to do, was be my honest ‘Mr Nice Guy’ self. Those were the times when I have not been nasty, and the words I used were not offensive or rude, but it still invited scolding and bully. I didn’t understand why, and I always thought they were wrong when they stood against me.
            I just lacked the ability to go beyond having a shallow understanding of the people around me. Sometimes, that’s how I screwed up in relationships with people. And no matter how people explain, I just could not understand why I was in the wrong. That explained why I did badly in comprehension tests, where all attempts to test for my ability to read between the lines often failed. The world was to me a double-sided coin, a Ying and a Yang, Good and Evil. And I could not help but feel self-righteous about it.
            After my chaotic primary three, when a sadistic homeroom teacher helped me to break the record of having the most number of bad behaviors on the list. Everyone mocked at me, and I was despondent. I thought I was one of the few good people left, a tragic hero, who had become a victim of a tragedy that was plotted by the devil himself. I’m a Catholic, and as a believer of Jesus Christ, I had believed that Jesus was crucified on the cross because the people were sinners, the evil ones. So I imagined myself playing the role of Jesus, the crucified ones, who was tortured and had died for doing nothing wrong.
            But Jesus was forgiving. He forgave the sinners, for they did not know what they were doing. So, in my innocence (my self-declared innocence), I forgave (I told myself that I will) all who had wounded me, called me names, stolen my belongings, backstabbed me and crucified me. Well, I recently looked back and realized that I have not forgiven them. Every time I spoke of forgiveness, I was actually condemning them, without even realizing that I was doing it just to feel like I was on higher moral ground than the others. I have recently learnt to accept this fact and had learnt to be more honest with myself. I kept every unpleasant event for remembrance, hoping that one day, if my enemies were to rise against me, the details of my mistreatment would serve as evidence, like of spears of justice that would stab them without warning.
            Of course, when I came into Westside Secondary, I decided to make a breakthrough. I decided to throw away my hatred and start anew. My soul was crying to be innocent again, to be free of all the hate I had for my Old World. The school was new. It was opened a year before I was admitted into my first year. Thus, there were second and first years only, and that meant that there was a lower probability of being bullied by the big boys, since the biggest boys were simply a year older than us.
            On orientation day, I swore that I would try to make the best impression if the chance ever came on that day. It didn’t come. The talk given by a homeroom teacher was long, and given in Chinese, which I was pretty bad at. Being restless, I fidgeted. I can’t remember how I seated, but I was shouted at in front of the whole class for my lack of discipline. The worst was when my nose, which was at that moment, as leaky as a leaky faucet, exploded into a series of sneezes, and the table became decorated with used tissue paper pieces of all shapes and sizes. I did this often in primary school. My mind was so messed up by the sneezing that I forgot my etiquette (You won’t want me to elaborate on that). And there you had it: A loudspeaker advertisement of the most badly behaved student in the class. Already gotten a scolding from the teacher before the first day of school. Damn it, I was just trying to be a goody-two-shoe, and look at me now. I just knew it from that day onwards. My childhood nightmares of being branded as useless and badly behaved were catching up with me.
What a star I had become. Luckily, my parents spoke to the teacher to let her understand her problem, whereby my misbehavior wasn’t because of mere willfulness, but a social skill that I simply lacked, like a handicap. This was true. It was a handicap, like one who is blind, deaf, dumb, armless or limb-less. No matter how hard you would try, you can’t make your arm grow back if you lost it in an accident.
            But you could strengthen your other attributes to make up for your weakness. So that is what I would do. But, it is much easier said than done to even live like the rest. To be socially acceptable, be popular, to understand other’s jokes and fit in into popular company, seems likely to be a dream to me. Even if I had ‘above average’ looks, I was still an ugly duckling.
            For some reason, people couldn’t ever seem to accept what I said or suggested at group discussions. I’d say something wrong, and my group-mates would be laughing at me or scolding me as a result. Or if I did not say anything, they would say I was antisocial. Either way I was criticized. And I found it very insulting to be called ‘introvert’ or ‘anti-social’, because I knew it did not tally with my real self. I was someone who has a voice in my soul, and wanted to use this voice to let myself be heard to the world. This was something I considered very meaningful. I just wanted to express myself, and let myself be heard, at all costs. One of the incurred costs was...my reputation for being a silly clown who said silly things that made others think suspiciously of his IQ level.
            I love to dream. I daydream with a passion. My one unique passion is actually daydreaming. I have always done so when I was a child. I had loved fantasizing myself owning things that I would never get to own, imagining what they were like. I would fantasize owning a nice computer with nice specifications when I have not bought one yet.
But that is not the only thing I daydream about. I also daydream by mentally reliving special techniques used by fantasy characters in video games. Fantasy abilities, like the ability to break walls, run faster than sound, shoot fireballs, recover instantly after suffering bone breaking injuries, survive fire, ice, electrical shocks and knifestabs. These are all that I wish were possible in real life, because human life is simply too fragile without these gifts.
Beyond this, there are many other things I fantasize myself doing while daydreaming, like giving a self introduction that impresses the class and the teacher, or receiving praise for helping out or stopping a crime from taking place.
But it has never happened to me. I’m too absent minded to get anything done right, although there were times that I have done a lot of things right, and received the praise I dreamt of receiving.
            But there were times I tried too hard to interweave my sporadically illogical fantasies with reality, and achieved very adverse results (No, I did not try to shoot fireballs, break down walls with a mere fist or heal people with just a mere touch). For example, I once had the impression that I could impress girls by ‘acting cool’. What I did was actually something I recalled to be a bad imitation of a cowboy cartoon character’s signature charismatic cooing call, and I became laughed at by the group of boys and girls in that group. Once, before my first day of school at Westside Secondary, I imagined myself making friends very fast after a quick self-introduction. On the day itself, before it was time to break the ice, I introduced myself to them, in an over-enthusiastic manner that could have made me seem desperate for friends. Although I was just simply over-enthusiastic, I was considered ‘crazy’ by some of my classmates on the first day (It was only the day after that they warmed up to me a bit more). This also happened when I was in catechism class in primary 5 (catechism classes refer to classes at a catholic church attended by children on Sunday to learn about God, also known as Sunday school). Back then, I sat alone after that since they were scared of me. I did not know what I did, but eventually, I was forced to be a lone ranger. To summarize it all, I dreamt of becoming popular, and well liked, but could never, up to now, make this dream come true.
            Do I have only myself to blame? Am I really that useless? Is it because of my body twitching idiosyncrasies? Idiosyncrasies, such as adverse twitching of my face, eyes, neck, shoulders, hands and feet etc., may have become visually annoying to my classmates. Time and again, I have been nagged at by my parents to get rid of those habits. But those twitches were a symbol of the chaos in my irregular illogical imagination in his mind. I know it’s stupid to say this, but I still believe those twitches can actually ease the tension from irritating thoughts in his mind. Getting rid of them would mean getting rid of a ‘particular something’ I was attached to. I could never ever dare get rid of it. Moreover, I don’t know what to do about it. They just appear according to the random thoughts that come to my head. These are thoughts that irritate me for no rational reason and it affects my mood. Maybe it’s because I’m just 14, and it is something not very controllable for me. Thus, I continue to be nagged at by my parents, and ridiculed by my classmates and teachers for my antics. This is amounting to another ‘something’ that is ‘missing’ in my life. Yes, call it an excuse for the lack of assertiveness on myself. Call it whatever you want. Call it non-repentance. Call it immaturity. I still think I am an innocent victim of all your harsh comments, while all of you just sit on the fence.
            I always felt alone, because of this 'problem' of mine that I could not find a name for. I had never meant it, but I ended up causing trouble for others unintentionally. It happened again and again, no matter how many times I told myself, "I won't screw up next time". That was how my relationship with friends was like.
            I looked into the mirror that was right in front of his table. It wasn't because I was a narcissist. In fact, it was on the contrary. I lacked personal-presentability awareness. My mother had placed the mirror there, to remind me to kick his nasty habit of twitching my eyes, nose, and other face muscles, which were making me look revolting to anyone who would have seen my ticks. If not for my occasional facial twitches, according to her, I would come across as a pleasant looking, scholar like boy, with my round specs around my small eyes, and short student hair. With a roundish face that didn't look too long, and a pair of eyes, a nose and a mouth that were properly in place, or rather, didn't look out of place, I looked like a typical class nerd, who wasn't bad looking. It was a Wonderwall family trait: bookworms that didn't look stupid. But somehow, the things that I often said, and the way I behaved sometimes, proved otherwise. And I couldn't help it. My mind was always drawn somewhere; somewhere that even I dids not know of. It was like being in a dreamlike state while being awake. Always thinking about the things that I was interested in, sometimes to an obsessive extent, and I would have very little awareness about the world around me. Conversations from around me seldom entered my ears, depending on the extent of my dreamlike state. That included rumours, and instructions from teachers that were assumed to be heard and understood by everybody. Sometimes during sports games, my teammates had the tendency to get mad at me for not following the game's rules or a team member's instructions. Some saif I  would to 'die' if I were to do my national service, because, my tendency to 'miss' instructions could cause the downfall of my platoon.
            No one came to my house, because my parents forbade it, giving their preference for their own privacy as their reason. Neither did they allow me to lend my prized belongings to others for fear that I would grow hysterical if my belongings were ruined or lost, and my friends would mock me for my hysteria. Of course, there were tactful ways to explain to my friends who placed pressure on me to let them visit my home for group holiday projects. I had successfully explained my predicament to my friends on many occasions. However, some were very persuasive and were able to make me feel guilty for not placing importance on our friendship. And thus, when trying to explain, I made a mess of things, and had hurt them by being unintentionally tactless (due failure to come up with a proper excuse ad hoc when his classmates caught him by surprise with the accussations). And thus, his relationship with them became strained for the rest of the year. Those ‘friends’, whom I had hurt unintentionally, didn't speak to me on amicable terms again, and even passed remarks on me, called me names, like 'selfish, not a true friend, dependant on parents, no sense of brotherhood". Some even said, "You wouldn't become an adult, if you keep on listening to your parents like this and don't learn to be independent in making decisions. What would <Enter Girl's name> think, if you can't even make decisions on your own? She'll find another guy who's more independent". And the hidden message that came to me was, the one who said this was referring to himself as “more independent”. And it was quite true that "He" who said this, was more popular and had received more attention from <Enter Girl's name>, unlike me whereby <Enter Girl's name> seldom communicated with me. Some of my classmates even said, "You call yourself a Christian, when you don't even share." And I would feel so hurt, that I seldom had time to concentrate on my studies, because I spent most of my time confiding my unhappiness with his parents.
            I had a friend, called Wheeler Foo Jin Wu, who told me he admired me, because he found me pleasant and well bred, and had parents to help me with my studies, and groom him to be a better person, unlike himself, whose parents lacked grace. Both of us shared the same enthusiasm in the Japanese Language and Japanese Computer Games, so we hit it off very well, especially when I went out with two of Wheeler's Japanese friends, Hiroaki and Naoto.
            One day, Wheeler Foo invited me to a student exchange meet on a Sunday, organized by "Seishokai Singapore" . There was an exciting student exchange program between a group of Japanese students from Seishodai, and both Wheeler and I had fun interacting with them. Wheeler wasn't good in Japanese, so he watched me from a distance while I spoke to Yuko Maeda, in fluent Japanese.
            On the next weekend, there was also another exchange program at the Seishokai Student Union Headquaters. During the interaction break, where the students could mingle with each other and get to know each other better. When I was speaking to Yuko, got over enthusiastic and started talking non-stop about continuing to meet up and go out together. Then I spoke with a raised voice to the some other guys, including Wheeler (All of whom were not interacting, but simply watching the conversation take place from a distance), with a slight resemblance to someone who was drunk, and said "Hey, you guys! Come and talk to them." And to Yuko, I said, "Hey Yucchan, why don't you speak to those guys! Those fellas are freaking lonely and in need of friendship! Hey Talk to them, will ya?"
            I meant all that to help my friends interact more with the Japanese students to improve their Japanese, since it was their dream to learn how to speak good Japanese. But my pure intentions had made my friends angry with me. The whole session ended sooner than it was planned. Wheeler had sent me a text message on his mobile phone, scolding me, saying, "You were very rude to Yuko. I specially invited you there, and you gave our Seishokai a bad image. Please be considerate." My reply was, "I don't understand how I was rude. What did I do?" And Wheeler's reply was, "The way you told her to talk to us, I saw it in her facial expression that she was scared of you, and was at wits end, to go on having any conversation. I hope you can feel more for the people around you. I understand that you were moody today, but don't give a bad image to Singapore. Exchanges can reach its highest peak when you give double appreciation or more to the other party, in order to reap the benefit of both parties." My thoughts were, "Bloody hell you, how dare you preach to me! As if I didn't know that. As if I didn't uphold such principles. As if have not been involved in student exchange enough to learn about that? I have helped our school and a foreign school before, so it's an insult to my achievements." I had been involved with student exchanges with Seishodai Students that came to Westside Secondary, and even received praise from the teacher for trying to translate into Japanese what was written at the war memorial, so as to help the students understand our history and how their country was involved. And at other times, I had also made it fun for Japanese and other foreign students who came to the school. So I felt it was a loss of status that such a 'preaching' message was said to me.
            I was not in fact, aware, that Yuko was scared and embarrassed at that time, since I lacked the social skills to interpret a person's emotions from their facial expressions and body language, which is automatic in most people. At the same time, I also lacked the skills to know what was appropriate to say at the right time. That was how I had gotten into trouble with my teachers and classmates, thus inviting hurting and sometimes scornful comments on me.
            On another day, both Wheeler and I went to sort out the matter via email, because I knew very well that, if I sorted things out verbally, a lot of what I wanted to say would be lost. This was because I had poor communication skills despite having not much of a language barrier in terms of Japanese grammar and vocabulary.
            So, via email, this was what I said to Wheeler.

            "Even if the outcome was unfavorable at that moment, I really did it out of good consideration. I really intended to make things better for you and her, by increasing your chance to converse with her in Japanese to improve your Japanese. By doing so, I was trying to achieve double appreciation for both sides, like you said."
            "But what did you say? You said I was inconsiderate. Do you remember yourself saying, "I hope that you can feel more for the people around you"?"
            "I understand that you were moody that day, but don't give a bad image to Singapore? Do you know I was trying to do exactly what you accused me of not doing, and trying not to do what you accused me of doing?"
            "Bad image of Singapore? I think that is an exaggerated insult to my nationalistic pride, for just behaving a little havoc. You have not seen Japanese people behaving havoc with me, and I appreciate them for it because it livens up the atmosphere. Do I consider them a shame to their own country? No!!"
            "You accused me of not understanding the principles of double exchange and double appreciation. Do you still remember yourself saying, "Exchanges can reach its highest peak when you give double appreciation or more to the other party, you will reap the benefit of both in a way or two"? That is a huge blow to my ego. For double appreciation to the other party so that exchanges can reach its highest peak, is what I try to achieve every time I am with Japanese friends. Didn't you see me doing that when I was with the students on Tuesday Night after the first exchange session at Toa Payoh with the students, where we went to take a river-boat ride from Marina Bay to boat quay, and when we went to the War Memorial."
            "Yes, I was moody that day because I had housework to do on the morning before meeting you guys on Saturday, and my Dad had instructed me to finish before I left, even though it was less than an hour before the event began. In my anxiousness and carelessness, I caused the Wireless Phone at the edge of the table to drop into the pail of water that we used for wiping the floor. I had a very terrible scolding for that. And I left the house in a bad mood."
            "Still, I apologized for "unintentionally" giving Seishokai, and Singapore for that matter, a bad name, and embarrassing her and yourself, because that was not the outcome I desired."
            "I had gone to see the Psychiatrist after Secondary Two, and I was diagnosed to have Mild High-functioning Autism, and this is a psychological problem that I would burdened with all my life. I am deficient in understanding the feelings of others by just looking at them, though I try very hard to. And at the same time, I also have difficulty concealing and containing my emotions. So by telling me all these, it sounds like I really have no virtues and don't care for other people. Is this what you think of me? Knowing that you think like that of me, don't you realize that I feel embarrassed and belittled when I see you, since now I, whom you once considered your role model, would look inferior to you in terms of virtues and conduct."
            "To tell you the truth, I have tried to forgive and forget. But I have come to realize that I can’t. I think you ought to search your conscience and reflect on what you had said on that day about me, which had hurt my feeling deeply."
            That was how my email ended.
            And Wheeler's email reply was just as follows.
            "Zoner-san, I hope you take my word as a man. What's the point of telling me to reflect on my conscience? If I did not have one I won't be telling you all these. I have told you sincerely what I have wanted to tell you as a friend. I know you want to do something for others, but you have to think hard as how you can help others. You have to overcome your psychological problems first."
            "Giving double appreciation to someone is not as simple as the snap of a finger. You have to think first before you act, and anyone should also do the same to achieve double appreciation of their guest. I knew that you had your problems, but do not use your psychological problem as an excuse and just let it carry on with you all your life. If i didn't say something to make you realize what you have done wrong, would you realize it yourself and do something about it? I need to tell you this before you screw things up again in any program you join. I know you have your own morals but by being incongruent in your actions and your words will reveal nothing of your goodwill to others. Do not take my word 'Please be considerate' offensively. I just wanted you to know  understand how I felt that day, and why you shouldn't screw up the program by forcing her to talk, and then frighten her. Do you really want friends who just keep quiet about your problems and just leave you to your own devices?"
            "I feel worried for you, Wonderwall-san. What do you suggest that I can do to help you, since your doctor cannot cure it? Don't give me that bullshit. I hope you don't screw up in your relationship with your friends later in your life. If you carry on like this and don't learn from your experiences, you will have yourself to blame for any future mistakes at work, or in your family. Here, you have a nice friend who is cautioning you, and not letting you rot in ignorance. However, I can see from the tone of your words that you are not willing to reflect, just as you told me to do for myself. "
            And following this was my reply, and it was to be our last email conversation.
            "It is painful enough for me to be told by the psychologist that there is no cure for my problem (lacking in social skills and inability to interpret situations) - a form of deficiency in the brain that I have to live with for the rest of my life. However, it is even more painful to hear my friend accusing me of using this handicap as an excuse for not improving myself. If you really harbour such a poor impression of me, it would be pointless for me to explain any further lest you end up thinking that I am giving you more excuses. I think it would be inconsiderate of me if I continue to make myself a burden to you, since I have no confidence that I could improve 100% the way you expect me to."
            "I wish you all the best, especially in your studies of the Japanese Language and Culture."
            And we had not spoken to each other since.

            This didn’t make sense. This should not have happened. All along Wheeler was his soft-spoken well mannered friend. Zoner didn’t want to look at Wheeler this way. "But look at Wheeler’s attitude towards me! I can’t accept it, no matter what,” Wheeler thought.
            "THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED! THIS FREAKING THING SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED! WHY! WHY! WHY!" Zoner banged the table with his fist with every "Why" asked, and the table at the receiving end of his fists trembled in response to his violent outburst. "I WISH TO TURN BACK TIME. IT IS STRANGE THAT SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENED..."
            All of a sudden, the symbol on the tail end of the pen gave off a bright blue glow, which covered the whole room in the same colour. A pencil that had rolled off from the edge of the table due to the impact of me hitting the table, had stopped in mid-air before hitting the floor. All the frustration in Zoner seemed to have dissipated, as shock had taken over and paralyzed him. The pen stood up, with the tip pointing downwards, and glowed more strongly than ever in bright azure blue. Suddenly, the blue aura emitted by the pen turned into a small twister that surrounded it. From the centrifugal motion of the twister, blue coloured comets kept flying out of it, corresponding to the direction of the movement of blue energy that composed the twister. Each blue comet, like tadpoles with their long tails, collided into every object in my room, and made them disappear. His bed, his radio, the walls of his room, his bookshelf, his table etc. Eventually, nothing was left. Here, in this alternate world that consists of boundless blue sky, and a floor that was invisible, there was nothing else but Zoner himself, and the pen. The twister around the pen ceased, and the aura also faded away. It continued to float there, right in front of him.
            “It wasn't your fault. There is no need for you to worry, Zoner-kun”.
            That was Yuko's voice. The voice was echo-like, as if she was speaking at the center of a large hall.
            “Yuko?” Zoner called out.
            Out of the nothingness in this blue boundlessness, Yuko appeared, right in front of the pen. With her smooth delicate fingers, she reached out for the pen and gently held it in her hand, and took it down from its suspended state. Her long straight hair flowed down to her shoulders, and she was wearing the same maple-leaf patterned floral dress she donned on the day of the student exchange.
            “You are the one”, was her reply. “You are the one, to be awakened by hope and despair, and to be the source of both hope and despair for the world”.
            "Hope and despair," pondered Zoner.
            "Hope and despair?" pondered Zoner again, bewildered.
            “Hope and despair are complete opposites, like fire and water”, continued Yuko's echoing voice. “They don't mix, and they exist to destroy each other. And yet, both extremes bring fourth strong emotions, and thus, bring fourth great power. The power that you have, will be brought fourth by strong emotions, which in turn can be brought about by any of the two extremes”.
            She continued to speak, and he continued to visualize as she spoke, the feelings of hope and despair, and the intensity of the two extremes.
            “With the extreme called 'despair' comes emotional chaos, bringing out the destructive power to hurt people and cause disasters.”
            “With the extreme called 'hope' comes emotional stability, bringing out the constructive power to heal people and work miracles. “
            “And both extremes are a choice, depending on the strength of the individuals' will. And the one extreme can be converted into another extreme, just by the individuals' choice, and the strength of his will.”
            “What 'will', you may ask. The answer? The 'will' to stay positive, and keep hopeful.”
            “With hope, and the power that equals your hope, you can save the world. Therefore, Zoner dear, you must cling on to your hope, and let the power awaken.”
            He wasfully imagining the power of hope flowing through him, filling him with optimism, determination and confidence in doing well. But at the last moment, his negative feelings tugged at his heart again. He had not forgotten the shame he felt when he was called 'inconsiderate' and 'selfish', by strangers, acquaintances, close friends and even his parents. He could not forget the shame he felt when others were harsh to him for his lack of attentiveness, and his lack of ability to follow instructions effectively when they said things like, 'continue to be like this, and you would one day endanger your life and others'. The guilt of being capable of accidentally causing the death of others in the future due to his deficiency clouded his heart again. He broke into tears, "How? How can I stay hopeful, when I have to hear all these, because I'm so incompetent, troublesome when..."
“Don't say that. Life is always unfair to people who doesn't have something that everyone else does. You are different, and people won't be able to understand you, simply because they are not you. But one thing is certain, some people will be harsh with you, because they care and worry for you. Don't focus too much on your mistakes, otherwise you won't be able to look forward and see what's ahead of you. There should not be despair, but hope. When you have hope, the path will be opened for you. The deficiency that you have will continue to give yourself and others problems. And other people, including yourself, will have a reason to feel despair for your future's sake. However, deep within your soul is an irreplaceable treasure. It is the treasure that can transform reasons for despair into reasons for hope. It has the power, to save you, and others, as long as you keep on being hopeful, with a smile. The power that you have, is for filling the gaps that have been in your life all this while. And this can be done, with love and hope.”
            "Love?" he asked. "You didn't mention that just now. What has that got to do with hope?"
            “With love, your frozen heart will thaw and lose its numbness, and you will be able to resume moving towards hope once again. Your heart was frostbitten by your friend's comments of your behavior with us, saying that  you were offensive to me and you owe me and apology. I'd like to tell you that, I knew that you didn't mean it, and I took no offence. Rather, I think I found enjoyment in your company, and we love to, and would look forward to being of acquaintance with you once again. Therefore, I'd like you to free yourself from the despair that you are feeling now, and move towards hope. Move on, my dear, with love and hope.”
            “By the way, I’d like to dedicate a song to you, which is about moving on, and moving forward. It’s an AKB48 song. It’s called “Overtake”. Have you heard of it?”
            “Of course I’ve heard of it”, Zoner replied. “Let’s sing it together!”

初めから 強い心なんて誰もが持っているわけじゃないんだ
Hajime kara tsuyoi kokoro nante dare mo ga motteiru wake ja nainda
No one is strong in their hearts in the very first instance.

細い枝も風に吹かれてしなやかに 逞しくなる
Hosoi eda mo kaze ni fukarete shinayaka ni takumashikunaru
Even thin branches grow firmer and stronger when blown by the wind.

もし君が悔しさに泣くのなら押し殺した声 隠さなくていい
Moshi kimi ga kuyashisa ni naku no nara oshikoroshita koe kakusanakuteii
If you’re so pissed that you ended up crying, don’t hide the voice that you suppressed.

どんな時も 自信と不安混ざり合って 夢見るんだ
Donna toki mo jishin mo fuan mazariatte yume mirunda
Embrace your dreams, even though you feel a mixture of confidence and insecurity about it.

みんなが帰ったグラウンド残って練習をしてること 僕は知っているよ
Minna ga kaetta ground nokotte renshu wo shiteru koto boku wa shitteiru yo
I know that even after everyone else has gone home, you still stayed behind and practice.

さあ 越えて行け! 僕たちを・・・
Saa koete yuke! Ima boku tachi wo…
Now it’s time for you to overtake us…

目指すのは まだまだ遠い場所だ
Mezasu no wa mada mada tooi basho da
The goal you’re aiming for is still very far away.

Onaji michi wo hashiru mono wo ki ni suru na
Don’t concern yourself with others who walk the same path as you.

Mae ni susume!
Just move forward!

            “Honestly speaking, I had a good time with you. When I go back to Japan I'll tell my friends all about you,” Yuko said.
“When I bring them to Singapore the next time, please come and look for me, so that I can introduce you to them, so as to help you make more friends." She gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder, and she flashed her toothy sunshine smile at him. Her eyes gave out a unique flare that seemed to reflect her passionate and outgoing character. This was the unique charm about Yuko that he felt like pointing out to her. "Your eyes, your smile, seem to overflow with zest. I like that.” Yuko turned ticklish, and laughed. "I'm really happy, that you like my eyes", she said. He quickly added "Not only that, your smile and voice too. When they add up, they create a springtime atmosphere. Cool, sweet, and refreshing." Yuko squealed with delight, and gave him a bear. Yuko then continued to cling harder to him, squealing with delight, "I'm not letting go. I'm not letting go."
            When Yuko finally let go after clinging on to him to her hearts content, it was time to go. The dimension was already threatening to fade away. "So remember always dear," said Yuko. "What are the key words?" she probed, like a teacher repeating a question to a class to emphasize a point.
            He answered.
            "Love and Hope."
            "Correct! Pinpon Pinpon!" she energetically. "Pinpon" was an imitation of the sound of a bell that would ring when a game show contestant answers a question correctly. We laughed like old friends.
            He woke up.
            Zoner was back in reality. It was hard for him to believe all that had happened. However, on the table, he found a page in the notebook Yuko gave to him that contained the contents of their conversation, in both Yuko’s and his handwriting.
            "Love and hope, huh?" he mused in a half-asleep mode. A while after that mental  "slide-show" was over, he stared out of the window mouth agaped, still shocked at the course of events that were too much for any normal human being to absorb and digest.
           He went to sleep and decided not to write anymore. However, the words on the pages of the diary vanished. He didn't remember a thing about writing the passage in the notebook, as if it never happened. However, his anger and frustration towards his life and his “friend” dissipated to a certain extent. It wasn't long before he resumed his usual mundane simple lifestyle. However, little did he realize that this was already the turning point of his life.

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