
About the Novagels                
            In ancient Greek Legends, there was a legend about a King called Endymion, who was the lover of Selene, the goddess of the moon. There were many stories told about this love between him and the goddess. Some said he was a prince. Some said he was an astronomer. Some said he was a shepherd. Some said he was the son of Zeus, the father of many gods and men.
            During those days, humanoid beings with supernatural powers lived among men who called them gods. These “gods” got their power from a powerful stone called the “Ambrosia” which was found in Mount Olympus where Zeus ruled. Nobody knew of the existence of such a stone, or if they knew it, where the stone came from. It was from this stone that many other stones with super powers were fashioned, and one category of stones was the Bridestones. After a catastrophe that caused the "gods" to lose their powers and become mortal men once again, the large original stone (Master Stone) and the other stones that were carved from it, were lost in history.
            One of these stories surrounded Endymion. Yes, he was a human who was a descendant of one of the gods, but he was neither king nor shepherd. Yes he was a King, but a King of his own world. His family was well to do, so he did not need to worry about food. He just loved to enjoy. He loved the company of women, the taste of good food and wine, and idling. He was handsome, but because he lived in his own world and had difficulty conveying thoughts and ideas in a coherent manner, he had difficulty winning the heart of any fair maiden he fancied, let along physically obtaining them. However, he didn’t mind. He lived in an imaginary world where whoever he fancied was already his, where he was already a hero and king admired by the world. In reality, he was a dreamer and a nobody. The ladies he mingled with all had one complaint, namely - his eyes didn’t seem to meet with theirs even though they wandered about the other parts of their bodies. His body was there but his mind was distant.
            His preoccupation with his imaginary world went deeper. He developed an obsession with the moon and the idea that a beautiful goddess lived there.
            The truth was, he was aware that he was living in his own world. He had never confused reality with fantasy. He knew that whatever he dreamt of were dreams. However, one day when he was dreaming in the forest while looking at the moon, what he saw made him start to suspect that a character from his fantasy world had crossed over to the real world.
            What he saw, was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life. After seeing her, he was very sure he wouldn't dream of any other woman again. This woman was real. She looked at him and spoke to him. The meeting felt real. The conversation sounded real.
            And the physical consummation, also seemed very real.
            The woman he just dated and made love to was Selene, the goddess of the moon who traveled down to Earth because she was bored of life in her palace on the moon. In other stories told about Selene, she was seduced by a satyr, a lecherous being with the lower body of a goat. This was actually a story to parody Endymion’s conquest of Selene. Selene actually felt deeply in love with him ever since and could not forget him.
            Endymion retreated into a cave, which was his secret hideout to hide away from the real world. He did nothing but dream about her, and recall that pleasurable night. It felt so real. Was it a dream?
            That was when Selene, the moon goddess, visited him again.
            Nothing much was told about their night encounters, except that Selene asked Zeus to give him eternal youth so that she would never leave him. However, that was only the tip of the iceberg since people who sneaked into his unguarded cave only saw him sleeping, and Selene descending from above to visit him. What they managed to see after that was that the two lovers were enveloped in mist that shrouded them from view, which gave the cave interlopers no choice but to leave.
            Yes, Endymion slept all the time, but when she visited, he woke up. She danced in front of him and teased him before they copulated. They did this for 1001 nights, in another dimension isolated from the physical world. In this dimension, 1001 nights passed in this dimension, but only one day passed in the real world.  
            During the first 91 nights, he copulated with no one else but her. But in the next 91 nights, Selene transformed into another girl. It was one of the girls whom he had liked in real life and fantasized about but did not obtain in reality. It was only on the 91st night as this girl that Selene explained to Endymion that the girl whom he had a crush on in real life was actually a clone of hers who was a personification of an aspect of Selene's personality that developed a will of her own and went astray.
            However, unknown to Endymion, his own appearance also changed to that of another person (someone who was a “clone” of him and was also a personification of a certain hidden personality of his). On that same night, both of them shape-shifted again, and the cycle repeated for another 91 nights, until the 910th night when both Selene and Endymion evolved into their full forms, where Endymion was a complete handsome man who was in touch with all his other personalities, and Selene was a complete beautiful goddess who was in touch with all her other personalities.
            After the 1001st night, they had fully gotten in touch with their “lost” or “hidden” personalities, and evolved into their complete forms. Following that, they satisfyingly consummated their relationship with each other during the last 91 days.
            From then on, their nights were complete and perfect, since they had no more "unfinished business (lingering affections for third parties)". And that was how Endymion lived the rest of his life. Sleeping, and then waking up only to make love with the goddess of the moon every night. Whenever they made love, they generated a form of creative energy that created a world outside our physical reality.
            Back to the present, history was about to repeat itself. Akira (Zoner prior to joining the Novamos ninja clan of novagels) is the present day incarnation of Endymion, and Yumeko (Annabelle prior to joining the Novamos ninja clan of novagels) is the present day incarnation of Selene, both waiting to merge with their other personalities. All the other girls whom Akira had a crush on were the hidden personalities of Annabelle, and the other guys whom Yumeko had a crush on were the hidden personalities of Akira. All the guys and girls, including Akira and Yumeko, were supernatural creatures called novagels, all of whom can be considered as part angel, part demon, and part human, and possess the gift of eternal life, eternal youth, beauty, supernatural strength, magical powers, and other abilities. Back to Endymion, he was originally just a novagel, just like his other hidden personalities (the other guys Yumeko had crushes on), but once he merged with them, he became a nova. Likewise for Yumeko when she merged with the other novagel girls. So in a nutshell, male novagels merge to form a male nova, and female novagels merge to become a female nova, whereby the novas will possess the strengths of all the constituent novagels combined. When Akira merged with the other male novagels, he would become a nova called “Liondor”, and likewise for Yumeko, when she merged with the other female novagels, she would become a nova called “Desiree”. 

             However, not all novagels were the same. Of all the male novagels, only Akira was supposed to be dominant. The rest were just subsets of Akira’s personality with their own minds with different appearances, but not with their own wills. They could make independent judgements, but they existed to reunite with their "host” to be complete, and to follow orders without having too much personal opinion or selfish ego.  Likewise for Yumeko and the female novagels. In the Novamos team, the other male novagels mainly followed instructions, trained their fighting skills in the wilderness, conducted team exercises, and discussed ground-zero battle strategies. The female novagels were the ones who carried out research, conducted higher level planning, liaised with clients, and even worked as spies, while not neglecting their battle and magic training. Even though the male novagels surpassed the female novagels in strength and fighting skills, the female novagels have been able to effectively compliment them in actual missions using magic. So far no battle has been too hard for the novagels, since most of their enemies are physically and magically very weak compared to the novagels even though ordinary humans are no match for them.

            After Zoner and Annabelle awakened as novagels Akira and Yumeko, they created marionettes of themselves to continue to act as a body double so that Zoner and Annabelle doesn’t appear to have disappeared from the face of the earth in the eyes of their friends and relatives. The marionettes are clones who believe they are Zoner and Annabelle themselves, and are unaware of their role as body doubles. In the possible worst case scenario whereby Akira and Yumeko were to die (which will happen at the end of the story), their souls will merge with these “body doubles” to avoid being destroyed permanently. 



Zoner Wonderwall
Other names: Akira (), Don Knight

Zoner is the male protagonist of Desire Revolution. He is the main male novagel, also referred to as the Morning Star. Having poor social skills, he often got into trouble with his classmates and teachers. In addition, he also wasn't athletically inclined. However, this also led to him bonding with Mainland Chinese student Jam Huang Jiamin (name adopted by Annabelle Lee when she enrolled in the school). He also had a crush on nine other ladies throughout his school years from secondary school to polytechnic, who were actually "marionettes", or rather, "body doubles" of the other nine female novagels who were extensions of Jam's personality. He considers himself very ordinary looking even though Jam teased him by saying his face looked similar to Korean actor Bae Yong Jun. Once he awakened as a novagel, he assumed the code name “Akira”. However, even though he wasn’t athletically inclined when he was just an “ordinary human being”, he was the strongest male novagel once his powers were restored. However, he carried a curse from his past life that could easily destroy him once he surpassed his limits, which was highly related to a power demon by the name of A Bao A Qu, his past and present life arch nemesis.  

Annabelle Lee
Other names: Yumeko (夢), Cait Sith, Jam Huang

Annabelle is the female protagonist of Desire Revolution. She is initially introduced as the princess who was the descendant of the royal family of Korea and Vietnam with a PRC citizenship who was studying her secondary education in Singapore. Zoner has described her to resemble Yuko Oshima of AKB48. She was a close friend of Zoner when they were classmates, and she was devastated when she was told by her parents that she had to leave Singapore and not come back. Her name was Jam Huang Jiamin in Singapore, but her real name which she used in Mainland China was Annabelle Lee. Once she awakened as a novagel, she assumed the code name “Yumeko”, and has been very active on many missions before Zoner’s awakening.

Supporting characters (male and female novagels):

The other novagels are subsets of the personalities of Zoner Akira and Jam Annabelle Yumeko, who actually created clones of themselves called “marionettes”  which became their classmates. When Akira was Zoner, apart from Jam Huang, he was also intensely infatuated with nine other girls, who were actually the sub-set of Jam’s (Yumeko) personified hidden-personalities. Likewise for Jam. In each of Akira’s and Yumeko’s past lives, they were actually born with their main soul combined with the soul of that novagel, causing them to adopt the appearance and personality of that novagel in that particular past life (e.g. Souls of Akira and Yumeko merged with the souls of novagels Gen and Senna when they were reincarnated as Dimitri Rasputin and Princess Anastasia, respectively).

Solar novagel couple:

Other names: Hideaki (日出明), Apollo

Ken is the love interest of Noemi Suzunara, Zoner’s classmate. He’s the marionette of Hideaki Apollo, the male solar novagel. In his past life, he was an ordinary Japanese salaryman called Joji Kawai during the late twenties in Japan, married to a lady called Naomi, who was also the past life of solar novagel Naomi Naobelle.

Zoner described him to resemble an Asian version of an actor called Leonardo Di Caprio, the actor who started as the handsome male lead in the epic blockbuster movie Titanic.

Noemi Suzunara
Other names: Naomi (如美), Naobelle

Noemi was the love interest of Ken, and was one of the girls Zoner had a heavy crush on. She’s the marionette of Naomi Naobelle, the female solar novagel. In her past life during the late twenties in Japan, she was a woman called Naomi who was married to a Japanese salaryman called Joji Kawai, who was also the past life incarnation of Ken, her present day love interest.

Zoner described her to resemble a Korean pop singer called Jang Nara, or Japanese singer 
Aya Matsuura.

Fire novagel couple:  

Other names: Rekka (烈火), Asura

Tom was the love interest of Coco Gao, Zoner’s classmate. He’s the marionette of Rekka Asura, the male fire novagel. In one of his past lives, he was a legendary Muay Thai warrior called Nai Khanomtom and Coco was one of his two Burmese wives awarded to him by the Burmese King, Lord Mangra. In another past life, he was a Chinese scholar called Ning Caichen, who was the love interest of a humanoid demoness called Xiao Qian, who was the past life of Coco.

Zoner described him to have the rugged “fighter” look, like martial arts actors Bruce Lee or Tony Ja.

Coco Gao Lilin
Other names: Tamiki (多美輝), Fernlynx

Coco is the love interest of Tom, and was one of the girls Zoner had a heavy crush on. She’s the marionette of Tamiki Fernlith, the female fire novagel. In one of her past lives, she was a demoness called Xiao Qian, who was the love interest of a Chinese scholar called Ning Caichen, who was also the past life incarnation of Tom.

Zoner described her to resemble a famous Chinese singer called Coco Lee.

Water novagel couple:

Other names: Mizuchi (), Poseidon

Joe was a star performing swimmer in his school’s swimming club, and was Chiaki’s senior, whom openly admired very much. He was also the love interest of Chiaki, and was the marionette of Mizuchi Poseidon, the male water novagel.

In his past life, he was Taro Urashima, who happened to be a character who appeared in a Japanese folk story of the same name (which turned out to be a true story).

Zoner described him to resemble an actor called Orlando Bloom.

Chiaki Asaki Ariel
Other names: Chiaki (千晶), Lebelle

She was a popular girl in her school who was admired for her sexy swimming strokes as a synchronized swimmer, and was nicknamed “Ariel, the little mermaid”. She was also the marionette of Chiaki Lebell, the novagel of water.

In her past life, she was Princess Otohime, a princess of the east sea who appeared the a Japanese folk story called Taro Urashima.

Zoner described her to bear a strong resemblance to American celebrity Tila Tequila.

Lightning novagel couple

Other names: Ikazuchi (迅雷), Thor

Roy is the marionette of Ikazuchi Thor, the male novagel of lightning.

Zoner described him to resemble a talented Taiwanese singer called Jay Chow.

In his past life, he was a powerful warrior called Lu Bu who was featured in the Chinese classic, the Romance of Three Kingdoms.

Pandora Tran Thien Su
Other names: Kazumi (和美), Layna

Pandora is the marionette of Kazumi Layna, the female novagel of lightning.  

Zoner described her to look very similar to beautiful Thai actress Pla Palita Kosolsak (ปลา-ปาลิตา โกศลศักดิ์) who acted in the 2008 Thai drama Lam Sing Princess (เจ้าหญิงลำซิ่ง).

In her past life, she was a beautiful lady called Diao Chan who was featured in the Chinese classic, the Romance of Three Kingdoms.

Psychic novagel couple:

Other names: Saiko (才光), Magus

Psycho is the marionette of Saiko Magus, the male novagel of psychic power.

Zoner described him to resemble a Korean actor by the name of Lee Jungi.

In his past life, he was Byeok Gye Soo, a Joseon Dynasty (ancient Korea) Yangban (nobleman) who tried to win the body and heart of Hwang Jin Yi, a legendary Gisaeng (high class prostitute and arts performer).

Shermie Chen Peilin
Other names: Mika (美香), Chantelle

Shermie is the marionette of Mika Chantelle, the female novagel of psychic power.

Zoner described her to resemble a Korean actress by the name of Cha Soo Yeon.

In her past life, she was a legendary Gisaeng (high class prostitute and arts performer) by the name of Hwang Jin Yi.

Lunar novagel couple:

Other names: Getsuga (月牙), Alucard

Mamoru is the marionette of Getsuga Alucard, the male lunar novagel.

Zoner described him to resemble football player David Beckham.

In his past life, he was Count Dracula.

Chiya Toshiba
Other names: Chiya (千夜), Caravynn

Chiya is the marionette of Chiya Caravynn, the female lunar novagel.

Zoner described her to resemble a Japanese actress by the name of Saki Seto (瀬戸早妃).

In her past life, she was Princess Kaguya, from a Japanese classic of the same name.


Wind novagel couple:

Other names: Hayate (疾風), Squall

Icarus is the marionette of Hayate Squall, the male wind novagel.

Zoner described him to resemble a Korean actor by the name of Rain.

In his past life, he was an ordinary guy called Mongryong who was the love interest of a girl called Chun Hyang, whereby their story was told as a Korean classic love story called Chunhyangga.

Song Heejung
Other names: Hina (姫奈), Alethea

Heejung is the marionette of Hina Alethea, the female wind novagel.

Zoner described her to resemble a Korean actress by the name of Kim Minhee.

In her past life, she was a girl called Chun Hyang, whereby her story was told as a Korean classic love story called Chunhyangga.

Earth novagel couple:

Other names: Domon (土門), Saturn

Jack was Zoner’s (Akira) biology teacher and was the love interest of his music and dance teacher Miss Mesayon Homalirong (เมษายน  หอมะลิร้อง ). Jack is the marionette of Domon Saturn, the male earth novagel.

Zoner described him to resemble Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman when he starred in the movie Wolverine.

In his past life, he was an ancient warrior in Ayuthaya (old Siam) called Khun Paen, and his lover was called Wanthong. His story became a classic Thai folk story called “Khun Chang Khun Paen (ขุนช้างขุนแผน)”, which has been told for generations till today.

Mesayon Hommalirong
Other names: Kana (香南), Kismet

Mesa is the marionette of Kana Kismet, the female earth novagel.

Zoner described her to resemble a Thai actress by the name of Janie Thienposuwan.

In her past life, she was a lady called Wanthong, who was the lover of an ancient warrior in Ayuthaya (old Siam) called Khun Paen, and her story became a classic Thai folk story called “Khun Chang Khun Paen (ขุนช้างขุนแผน)”, which has been told for generations till today.

Illusion novagel couple:

DJ Magic
Other names: Gen (). Cloud

DJ Magic is the marionette of Gen Cloud, the male illusion novagel.

Zoner described him to resemble a Japanese actor by the name of Takeshi Kaneshiro.

In his past life, he was Dmitri Rasputin, who was the son of Grigori Rasputin and also Anastasia’s lover

Anathai Singhajiva
Other names: Senna (仙女), Anastella

Synasia is the marionette of Senna Anastella, the female illusion novagel.

Zoner described her to resemble a Thai actress by the name of Araya Hargate.

In her past life, she was Grand Duchess Anastasia of the Romanov family. 


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